Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Election results looking promising

Our election results are looking promising.

The voters firmly rejected (by double digits) Tim Me-Myself-and-I man's latest attempt to destroy state and local government. Of course, Eyman is crying all the way to the bank. He "earns" his money by skimming a percentage of the donations to his initiatives, so we shouldn't expect him to disappear from the scene because his livelihood depends on him introducing initiatives on a regular basis. He's a professional politician, just as much as those in Olympia that he derides.

Me-Myself-and-I man and his supports constantly complain that his initiatives are the only way to "control spending", but they ignore two key facts:
  1. Washington ranks just 35th out of the 50 states in total state and local tax burden, according to the non-partisan Tax Foundation.
  2. We already have an effective way of controlling spending. Perhaps you've heard of it. It's called an "election". If you don't like the way your representative is voting on spending (or any other issue), then don't vote for them. If enough of your fellow citizens vote the same way, your representative will lose.
The other issue is a bit closer, but it looks like the voters have approved R-71, stymieing the latest attempt to legalize discrimination. While it unfortunately appears that legalizing gay marriage isn't in the cards for right now, this measure codified "everything but marriage", basically giving unmarried gay couples (and heterosexual couples over the age of 62) the same legal rights as married heterosexual couples. So in terms of gay rights, we've progressed from slavery to separate but equal. I hope legalized gay marriage isn't too far off.

1 comment:

Elliott's bayings said...

Follow-up: R-71 was approved by the voters. Well done, Washingtonians!