Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A plea for feedback

I was just looking at my web counter and realized that this blog has had almost 12,000 hits since I started it ten months ago. Wow! Since I never get feedback, I have no idea if what I'm posting interests you folks at all. It's sort of like standing at Speaker's Corner at Hyde Park in London while wearing a blindfold - I have no idea if people are listening, or merely passing by.

I'd like to find out what you think. Please send me feedback. Underneath this post (and in fact under all the posts) is a piece of text that says (as of right now) "0 Comments". If you click on it, you can leave a comment. I promise to read 'em all.

I'd really appreciate hearing back from you!


Anonymous said...

Can you blog about any good movies you've seen recently?

Elliott's bayings said...

I rarely see movies in the theater. But I will post a couple of updates in the future about some things I've seen on Netflix, and some television stuff I like.